Runway Markings Explained (Part 2)

Runway Markings Explained (Part 2)

Runway Markings Explained (Part 2) In the second part of this series, we bring you more airport line markings to explore. Always remember that these markings are vital to the smooth operation of airports. They help guide the pilots and keep them properly oriented,...
Runway Markings Explained (Part 1)

Runway Markings Explained (Part 1)

Ever wonder what those markings on the runway are when you travel on a plane? For ordinary travellers, these lines simply signify that we need to buckle up because we’ll be landing or taking off soon. But for the pilots flying the plane, airport linemarkings...
Prix Versailles Airport Finalists 2021

Prix Versailles Airport Finalists 2021

The annual Prix Versailles is a set of architecture and design awards given by the French-based World Prix Versailles Organization. Each year, 24 finalists are chosen to compete in the Prix Versailles World Finale from the following categories:  Six Airports Six...
Impact of Covid-19 on Airline Industry

Impact of Covid-19 on Airline Industry

There’s no question that the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the aviation and travel industries the most. Airlines and airports across the world are reporting huge losses, and even the most optimistic timeframe for recovery is at least two years. Some analysts...
Western Sydney Airport News

Western Sydney Airport News

August 2020 Update Work Begins at Western Sydney Aerotropolis Over 200 scrapers, excavators, graders, dump trucks and dozers are currently working their way around the Western Sydney International Airport Site moving earth to make way for the airport terminal, runway,...